Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old system of healing and living that originated in the Indus Valley region. Rooted in nature, it is based on the wisdom of the elements and qualities of the natural world. Because Ayurveda is grounded in the unchanging truths of nature, it is...
holistic nutrition
Explore all of the holistic nutrition articles below:
Holistic Detox for Late Autumn: Aligning with Nature’s Wisdom
As we settle into late autumn, nature invites us to slow down, simplify, and turn inward. This time of year calls us to release what no longer serves us, creating space for grounding and nourishment. Late autumn holds a powerful energy of deceleration, reflection, and...
Balancing the Six Flavors For Emotional Eating, Cravings, & Healing
The flavors, in particular the six main ones as recognized by Ayurveda, contribute to our entire experience of life. Each one has it’s own energetic signature and effect on the system as a whole and today we’re going to explore how these six tastes - sweet, sour,...
5 Ways to Cultivate Seasonal Self-Care
Cultivating a toolbox and having it be adaptable to the seasons of life, our bodies, and the Earth is the highest practice of self-care.
Regardless of gender identification or physical anatomy, do you feel confused or embarrassed by the notion of femininity?
Holistic Nutrition
Nutrition must be thought of as a holistic concept that includes all we take in through the senses, which is so much more than physical food.
Nature’s Medicine Bag
Physical body and life challenges are simply the manifestation of dysfunctions at the subtle level of your being.