
Words Straight From Their Hearts

I am honored to share these special testimonials from beloved clients about their experiences and results with my offerings.



“Working with Devon is a wonderful experience. She is always 100% present during every interaction. Deep down we all know what we need, and Devon was always there to support and help me clearly see the things that my subconscious already knew. We need that person to help bring forward the beliefs, feelings, ideas that are hiding deep inside and Devon did that for me.

Uncovering past trauma and fears and facing those head on worked best for me during this process. By doing this I am now more able to recognize when current behaviors are triggered by past trauma. I was also able to finally make headway on a project I’ve been working on for over a year and a half.

I’m so pleased with how I developed more insight into ME! And most importantly, how I developed love and compassion for myself by eliminating my personal limiting beliefs and recognizing when I’m beating myself up for not accomplishing what I want, but in fact honoring where I am in that moment.”



“I am truly thankful for your guidance in showing me I am safe and I am worthy. That I matter. It has made so much of a difference for me. Just letting me know it’s okay to be me, with all my crazy thoughts and curiosities. I wished I would have known these things as a child, but now is better than never. So thank you. Thank you for teaching me tools and lessons and walking with me while I find me. I am grateful beyond words.”



“I’ve completed both the nutrition and flower essence programs that Devon offers. Both experiences were – and I am NOT overstating – life changing! She meets you where you are and lovingly, non-judgmentally leads you to being your best you and to love the current you as you go.

If you’ve never tried essences, do yourself a favor and change that! No matter what baggage you’re carrying (consciously and unconsciously) there is a flower that can help you release it. And there are flowers that can help you tap into and enhance the strengths you already possess.

I came to Devon with unresolved abandonment issues, emotional traumas, battered self-esteem, and feeling stuck in many areas (just the tip of the iceberg!). Our calls dealt with issues I knew I needed to tackle but also brought to light – thanks to Devon – pieces of the puzzle I wasn’t consciously aware of… Devon was not only my biggest cheerleader and supporter, she was genuinely as excited as I was when these breakthroughs occurred.”



“My biggest challenge when I began working with Devon was not knowing how to listen to my own body and feeling a lot of shame for being sensitive. After working with her, I have become mindful of my own needs and how I can tune in and give my body what it’s asking for without a feeling that there’s ‘something wrong with me’ or feeling guilty/worrying what others might think.

I’m accepting myself more and learning to work with and love my uniqueness.

The chats with Devon were brilliant. She challenged me without being pushy. She helped me to see things from another perspective and called me on my thought processes that weren’t serving me. I now have an awareness to listen to my intuition and not to ignore it. My biggest a-ha is that the only person who can truly take care of me is me and the answer is ‘within’ not in yet another protocol.”



“With guidance and encouragement from Devon, I started to open up my world and explore who I really am. I have been going through what I like to call a ‘transitional phase,’ but kept getting stuck at the labels we are given, and indeed give ourselves. I made more progress in one week working with Devon than I have in 12 months. She is funny, honest, intuitive, inspirational and most importantly, motivational. I cannot recommend working with her highly enough. In a short time, she has become my sister, my friend and my go-to girl. If you are feeling stuck, overwhelmed or just want to learn, Devon is your girl.”

Blessings of love and light.

“Thank you, Devon, for your dedication to the sensitive soul and how we navigate life. The Flower Essence of Bee Balm continually expands my dedication and focus. The energetic container of discipline, devotion, and trust it creates has been so beneficial during these fast-changing times. I can feel the love and devotion from your lands and how it weaves through your hands. Deep gratitude sister.” – Tanya Clark

“Devon is a divine, gentle, loving, and brilliant space holder for transformation. My experience in her container was intense and difficult at times but always wrapped with love and care. Thanks to her knowledge of the way our subtler bodies work, she has sent them the exact messages they needed, through many different means. I am so appreciative of the support, safety and and guidance she gave me in my chrysalis. And I can see my wings softly starting to spread.” – R.C.

“Devon is gifted at holding space in a sensitive, respectful & insightful manner. She gently encouraged the identification & exploration of my deepest healing needs. My session with Devon unfolded with intelligent & creative grace into a moment of wonderful insight that can be used as a catalyst for further healing far beyond the scope of our time together. Highly recommended.” – F.H.

“I am sooooooooooo eternally grateful for your guidance on my journey. You’ve helped me change my life and are helping me shape the life I want most. Thank you. Thank you for your support, encouragement, and nudges. Thank you for reeling me in when I need it. It’s easy to appreciate someone who always cheers you on. It’s vital for me to have someone who will help me course-correct. And I appreciate and respect the f*** out of you for that! You are amazing, simply the best, better than all the rest. Thank you. Holding light and love for you and your soul’s journey.” – Bri

“According to Marcel Proust, a famous French novelist, ‘The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscape, but in having new eyes.’ InnerSpark gave me that new vision and a fresh outlook in life. Life is an endless process of self-discovery. To me, the program is not only about transformation, but to know more about myself, develop a closer and deeper relationship with myself and an opportunity to see and feel things differently in a positive way. Yes, it normally minds, body and spirit but with the addition of the most important aspect which is the kind and loving heart.” – E.C.

“I’m so grateful for this gift of a flower essence reading and magic potion. I’ve been having really deep meditations daily, dealing with so many old hurts and issues, feeling a stronger love for those around me (and myself) and just having more fun! My inner child is so thrilled with the changes and I’m dancing daily. We had to help our dog cross over during this process, and for the first time in my life, I was able to grieve but not let my sadness take over my life. Thank you, Devon. I wouldn’t hesitate to work with you again. You’re amazing.” – J.B.

“Devon is deeply intuitive and also highly trained. I trust her, and I really value the attention to detail and care she provided me. I didn’t get the sense that I was her “client,” I felt cared for and seen. Devon’s skillset is vast and I highly recommend her as a health counselor/resource/teacher.” – Stacey Ramsower

“My consultation with Devon was a turning point in my lifelong struggle with persistent fatigue. Her intuition and insight set me on the path to restored energy and balanced health. I wholeheartedly recommend InnerSpark! Thank you, Devon!” – Morgan

“Imagine what going on the magic school bus with Miss Frizzle is like. Working with Devon is kinda like that, but even more awesome and way more calming. She will take you on a journey inside yourself, and you will be forever changed. Life changing and crazy awesome!!!” – Alisha

“It is hard to sum up my experience working with Devon. It’s one of the best things I have done. Hands down. I was a totally different person 6 months ago. Angry, sad, terrified, lost, and numb. I was constantly on edge and in pain. I was DESPERATE for change. Layers of old junk that I thought was stuck have come off gently with Devon’s guidance. She is a sweet navigator sitting next to you on a journey of healing and remembering who you are. The you that is underneath all the crap that has piled up over a lifetime. She is full of knowledge, and her intuition is on point. She is incredible. She is gold. She is magical. And, she will show you that you are too!” – A Very Thankful Mama

The InnerSpark Method Programs

Deepen into your journey of healing and self-discovery. Learn to simplify life, live Nature’s rhythms, and uncover unshakeable resilience, vibrant health, and joy.

As the digital age surges forward, our intimate connection to these timeless rhythms is diminishing, causing our physical, emotional, mental, relational, and spiritual well being to teeter.

With a blend of modern and ancient wisdom modalities, The InnerSpark Method is a comprehensive, whole-life approach to natural thriving amidst modern living.

The InnerSpark Method draws from Nature’s timeless rhythms and incorporates tools from Integrative Health modalities such as Ayurveda, energy healing, holistic nutrition, life coaching, Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy, breathwork, meditation, and more.

Come discover a whole-person, trauma-informed system of Nature's self-care to rekindle natural cadences across all dimensions of your being.

Let’s embark on a transformative path from fragmented living to a sacred dynamic balance of vitality, and true connection.

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