


Explore all of the autumn articles below:

The Energetics & Invitations of Autumn’s Change

The Energetics & Invitations of Autumn’s Change

The wheel turns once again and we've arrived in autumn here in the Northern Hemisphere. Each season brings with it its own literal and subtle, energetic invitations. The art of hearing and accepting these invitations is what we at InnerSpark refer to as "Seasonal" or...

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The Power of Surrender: The Death Doula + The Lover

The Power of Surrender: The Death Doula + The Lover

Surrender. That is probably one of the more challenging things about the humxn experience. Surrendering has two distinct, yet subtly different aspects to it represented on InnerSpark’s Wheel of Frequencies as The Lover at Beltane, late spring before summer, and The...

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A Guide to the Energies of Autumn: Archetypes + Practices

A Guide to the Energies of Autumn: Archetypes + Practices

Autumn is a time of transitions. The energies of autumn are inward, introspective, and decelerating. If the Wheel of the Year were moon phases, autumn would be the waning phase before winter’s restful new moon and spring would be the waxing phase before summer’s full...

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