
Challenge: Spring Clean Your Being!

Published: March 30, 2017

Updated: March 20, 2022

I love springtime!  All the new life and untapped potential; the wild creativity that stirs within and beneath us as our inner landscape mirrors the Earth’s.  There’s much happening and we can tap into this cycle of the wheel in intentional ways to fully harness all of the goodness in our lives. 

On InnerSpark’s Wheel, the eight archetypes of The Mother, this time corresponds with The Initiate archetype. It’s a time of beginnings, newness, studentship, connecting with our inner children, and taking action.

Many of us will partake in “spring cleaning” of our homes, garages, files, etc., but what about spring cleaning your being on all levels – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually? 

As the vibe continues to shift into a more expansive, energetic, solar quality, it’s important to be grounded into a solid internal foundation (think consistent self-care, good digestion, emotional flow, and solid mindset).

From there, you can witness yourself and your life bloom and blossom your very own metaphorical spring garden. Optimal vitality and a sustainable connection to Source supports you manifesting all of your wildest desires for the year and harnessing the energy of the The Initiate to do so!

Here are 5 ways to spring clean your being:

1. Sip warm water each morning

Taking water upon arising is essential to re-hydrate your body after a long night’s rest without food or drink.  Warming it is friendlier to the system and encourages digestive fires to ramp back up for the day.  Watch it with the citrus juices, though, as too much can be too heating in the body and harm tooth enamel. However, a few drops of lime or lemon juice does encourage digestion (get that morning poop out of the way and set your day off right!), help the body’s innate detoxification system, boost the immune system through a hefty dose of vitamin C and phytonutrients, and reduce inflammation. 

Practice: Sip warm water every day for a week and make note of any changes in your physical, emotional, mental, and/or spiritual bodies!

2. Bitter Greens

When clients ask me, “What should I eat?” I’ll typically invite them to look to Nature for what’s on the menu!  She provides just what our body’s need given the time of year, which is another reason why it’s imperative to work to eat as seasonally as possible.  This time of year, bitter greens such as broccoli rabe, dandelion greens, mustard greens, radicchio, endive, arugula, and more are fresh and abundant. 

These amazing and versatile veggies stimulate bile flow from our gallbladders, which is very nice and important considering we spend winter fueling up on more fats overall, leaving this system sufficiently worked.  Bile is made in the liver and stored in the gallbladder and is vital for digesting fats.  In the presence of a fatty meal (or whenever bitter tastes are consumed), bile is contracted out of the gallbladder and gets invited to the digestion party.  Ensuring smooth flowing bile and a healthy gallbladder helps to secure digestive health overall, which is in turn, supports the healthiest YOU overall!

 Practice: Purchase a fresh bitter green (bonus if it’s something new to you) and create a dish with it!  Enjoy!

3. Body Brushing

Dry brushing the body is an ancient practice and is hugely advocated in Ayurvedic medicine.  The process is quite simple.  Your brush should be made of natural materials with a long handle so you can reach your back. Start with the soles of your feet and brush up in long strokes towards your heart, avoiding genitals, breasts, and face.  I like doing this prior to my morning shower, although you can do it anytime that works for you.

This is said to support the lymphatic system, the body’s prime defense against pathogenic invaders that wish you ill (pun intended).  This system, composed of tissues, a few organs, and tons of little vessels, is entirely pump-less, meaning it must flow against gravity and is stimulated by movement (especially exercise).  Lymphatic congestion can lead to inflammation and disease. In addition, this practice exfoliates your skin, increases circulation for extra glow and silky smoothness and can also possibly reduce the appearance of cellulite.  Of course all of these benefits are best found when combined with a whole food diet!

Practice: Find a quality brush and get brushing!  A simple internet search yields hundreds and you can probably find one at a local store.

4. Sweat

Yup.  Get moving!  We all know the benefits well enough by now and the key to reaping them?  MOVE.  Move in ways that delight you, remind you you’re alive, quicken your blood, stimulate your creative life force – and help lymphatic flow.  After the natural inward pull and slow nature of winter, spring beckons us to expand, bloom, and enliven our beings!

Practice: How do you most enjoy moving body? If it’s been a while since you’ve moved or enjoyed the movement you do, check in with your inner child. How did they most love to play and move? Go for it!

5. Allow Stagnant Emotions to Flow

Do you easily allow your emotions to flow, or do you tend to suppress them? What challenging emotions do you experience regularly and what’s your relationship with them? In a healthy system, these waves of energy are allowed to bubble up, be acknowledged, and then go on their merry way once more. Emotions are just like weather in that sense. However, when we are afraid of them, ashamed of them, push them away, etc., they become problematic and lead to dis-ease of all kinds.

Practice: Let yourself feel. Use the playful, light energies of spring to get curious and courageous about what’s living inside of you and then let yourself feel it and move it. Set aside some time for some “feeling containers,” as I call them with my clients. Notice the impact on your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well being as you clear this internal energy. There’s truly no better way to “cleanse” than to be with undigested emotions.

To your absolute best and most radiant spring as you remember your InnerSpark and ignite it for the betterment of your Self and the planet!

The InnerSpark Method Programs

Deepen into your journey of healing and self-discovery. Learn to simplify life, live Nature’s rhythms, and uncover unshakeable resilience, vibrant health, and joy.

As the digital age surges forward, our intimate connection to these timeless rhythms is diminishing, causing our physical, emotional, mental, relational, and spiritual well being to teeter.

With a blend of modern and ancient wisdom modalities, The InnerSpark Method is a comprehensive, whole-life approach to natural thriving amidst modern living.

The InnerSpark Method draws from Nature’s timeless rhythms and incorporates tools from Integrative Health modalities such as Ayurveda, energy healing, holistic nutrition, life coaching, Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy, breathwork, meditation, and more.

Come discover a whole-person, trauma-informed system of Nature's self-care to rekindle natural cadences across all dimensions of your being.

Let’s embark on a transformative path from fragmented living to a sacred dynamic balance of vitality, and true connection.

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Sweet Soul, it’s time to heal Feminine Shame and tap back into what’s natural, real, wild, and magical.

The Uprooting Feminine Shame Podcast by Devon Ray Battaglia is for deep-feeling, overthinking womxn ready to identify the roots of their people-pleasing, burnout, and anxiety so they can discover their true, shame-free nature and confidently thrive in body, mind, and spirit. Listen in to explore truly integrative, holistic ways of living more naturally aligned with your unique needs – physically, emotionally, mentally, energetically, and spiritually.

Each episode delivers potent transmissions to inspire and empower you. With a range of topics complete with a dash of Western science, hearty servings of metaphysical wisdom, and heaps of embodied experiences, there’s something here for you to create profound, sustainable, holistic shifts in life, health, body, relationships, and spiritual growth.

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Greetings! I’m Devon Ray Battaglia, MS, AHA, ACC. As an Integrative Health Expert, Ayurvedic Health Advisor, and Holistic Life Coach, I’ve devoted myself to living and sharing the timeless wisdom of Nature’s rhythms to unlock our natural resilience and joy!

I mentor individuals like you on a heartfelt journey toward the life-changing simplicity and nourishment of living in sync with Nature.

Ready to transform life’s storms, amplify resilience, boost health and vitality, reconnect with your InnerSpark, and discover a life overflowing with peace, confidence, and clarity?

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