What’s in a title?
I get asked frequently, “What is a holistic life coach?” “What do you mean by mentoring and consulting?” “What exactly do holistic wellness coaches do?”
And I totally get it.
In an era where anyone with an internet connection can create a job and a title for themself, it can leave many of us wary and skeptical. Many of us may have had negative experiences with coaches, mentors, or consultants. Some practitioners may call themselves one thing, and their work differs from another using the same title.
While I can’t speak for everyone, this guide serves to provide an overview of definitions from the perspective of how I practice. When it comes to the labels I’ve chosen, I’ve done my best to adequately describe my work and convey the breadth and depth of passion and experience I bring to each of my clients.
My purpose is to help you heal Feminine Shame.
I help sensitive womxn overcome shame, beat the “there’s something wrong with me” story, and thrive in life, body, mind, and soul.
My highest joy is holding space for you identify, confront, and heal the legacy of Feminine Shame you’re carrying, to remember how to trust your body, live in alignment with nature and seasonal flow, spiral with the eight cosmic archetypes that comprise InnerSpark’s Wheel of The Mother, leverage and master your subtle energies, and transmute trauma into gifts and purpose.
As a Coach, Mentor, and Consultant, I bring a magical, potent medicine bag to facilitate the process. And, as a highly sensitive, introverted, INFJ myself, believe me I get it. Learn more about me and my story.
Here are some answers to your questions, Dear One!
The dictionary defines a coach as, “an athletic instructor or trainer,” and “a tutor who gives private or specialized teaching.” While this may be true for some “coaches,” it doesn’t accurately describe my work.
I wear many hats, including that of the mentor and consultant, and when called and necessary, can offer this to you to support your process. A little secret: I’ve never loved the title “coach” as I feel it’s initially misleading (I can’t help you with your baseball swing and it’s been a while since I’ve played basketball) and doesn’t fully explain my work even when used and understood even in its more modern applications.
A coach, to me, is someone who partners with you and supports you in hearing your own innate wisdom. This empowers you to become your own best teacher, healer, problem solver, etc. As a coach, I honor your autonomy, encourage your unique perspective, and see you as whole and capable.
The dictionary defines a mentor as, “An experienced and trusted adviser.” I lovingly bring my experiences and advisement to the table only when and if they’re relevant to you. I never see myself as “above” you or as possessing some kind of special insight, wisdom or answer.
I find many “coaches” put themselves in the driver’s seat, lead sessions, talk more than they listen, and try to “fix” the client. You do not need fixing, my love, because there’s nothing wrong with you. When my mentor hat goes on, I make it known that I am sharing insight and experiences from relevant, similar experiences, and/or from knowledge or expertise from my many years studying a variety of modalities and concepts.
The dictionary defines a consultant as, “A person who provides expert advice professionally.” To me, a consultant is an expert in something, providing counsel or advice in a particular area. Drawing on my robust background and expertise in a variety of wellness- and spirituality-based areas, I know the tremendous value I bring to my clients and am always open to offering it – when and if the situation necessitates and the client is in need.
A mentor may do the same, however, the best mentors have also walked the path you are on, have been in similar situations, have overcome similar obstacles, etc. I bring both to my highly sensitive, introverted clients as they navigate the challenges of life, healing, wellness, and spirituality and overcome and heal Feminine Shame.
“Holistic,” while a buzzword, is a concept about which I am incredibly passionate. To look at something holistically is to view it in its entirety wherein each part is given equal attention, focus, weight, and analysis. For example, in healing our bodies, addressing symptoms as if they’re the “problem” reduces our interwoven parts to separate pieces. However, nothing is separate! Struggling with finding purpose in your life? That’s just a symptom yet again and not the actual root of the challenge you’re experiencing.
It’s my mission and my role as a Holistic Coach + Mentor to guide you towards a more integrated way of being.
InnerSpark’s holistic approach to healing Feminine Shame guides you back to your Truest Self: the version of you that is grounded into seasonal flow, trusts your body’s intelligence, sources guidance from your subtle energies, is an empowered self-healer, and consistently turns challenges into assets.
As a practitioner, whether I am wearing my coaching, mentoring, or consulting hat, I honor your autonomy, your innate wisdom, and I encourage your unique perspectives. I honor and recognize you as the expert of your life and my role is to walk with you, hold sacred space, and support you in hearing yourself.
I guide you in integrating and healing all aspects of your being – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Through beginning to understand and feel that the “subtle creates the gross,” you become more empowered and sovereign and able to see the interconnected nature of your being. You live in a more holistic way broadening your perspective. Your shadows become your treasures and your sensitivity becomes your most beloved superpower.
Physical healing, emotional body fluidity, mindset shifts, eradicating limiting beliefs, de-shaming, deepening into your spiritual world, embodying Earth wisdom, navigating life’s challenges, creating sustainable change, experiencing more meaningful relationships, living your purpose, and so much more are what’s possible when you engage in this work with me as your Holistic Life, Spirituality, & Wellness Coach & Mentor.
While they can be very complementary, there are differences. Therapy tends to be very retrospectively and emotionally focused. While coaching and mentoring does look to the past and offers emotional support, much is geared towards claiming radical self-responsibility for the present and working towards creating the future. It supports you in leveraging the gifts you possess – right here and now, sensitive soul!
My Qualifications
As a voracious learner (and lover of holistic healing), I continue to joyously explore and expand my skill set, certifications, and studies along the way, and my journey has led me to many magical places including completing my MS in Nutrition & Integrative Health from Maryland University of Integrative Health, a Registered Yoga Teacher certification, a Flower Essence Therapy certification, Energy Healing certification, and a Meditation and Pranayama (breath practice) certification. I studied coaching with The Wisdom of the Whole Academy. And I study Ayurveda with Hale Pule Ayurveda & Yoga.
In addition to my own embodied life experiences, which are my greatest teachers, I also extensively study the fields of shame and trauma, shadow work, shamanism, embodiment and expressive arts, chakra and endocrine system balancing, and more.
I study and learn because not only am I passionately obsessed with your process, I am also dedicated daily to my own! I truly walk my talk. I’m passionate about sharing all of this with you. The real proof of my qualifications isn’t in any degree or certification, it’s in the impact that I’ve had on my clients lives. Head over to read some Client Love.
Feeling nourished and supported, inspired and fulfilled, and seeing your “weirdness” as your best asset are all absolutely possible – and you deserve it all and more.
Sweet Soul, it’s time to heal Feminine Shame and tap back into what’s natural, real, wild, and magical: your InnerSpark.
The InnerSpark Method Programs
Deepen into your journey of healing and self-discovery. Learn to simplify life, live Nature’s rhythms, and uncover unshakeable resilience, vibrant health, and joy.
As the digital age surges forward, our intimate connection to these timeless rhythms is diminishing, causing our physical, emotional, mental, relational, and spiritual well being to teeter.
With a blend of modern and ancient wisdom modalities, The InnerSpark Method is a comprehensive, whole-life approach to natural thriving amidst modern living.
The InnerSpark Method draws from Nature’s timeless rhythms and incorporates tools from Integrative Health modalities such as Ayurveda, energy healing, holistic nutrition, life coaching, Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy, breathwork, meditation, and more.
Come discover a whole-person, trauma-informed system of Nature's self-care to rekindle natural cadences across all dimensions of your being.
Let’s embark on a transformative path from fragmented living to a sacred dynamic balance of vitality, and true connection.
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