How to Hear Your Next Steps With the Cosmic Child Archetype

How are you choosing your next steps? What’s influencing and guiding you? Are you able to surrender and listen, or are you trying to control and know it all (hint: you can’t)?

The journey of receiving your gifts, your next steps, your visions and then offering them in service for the greatest good of all is a sacred one. Yet, many aren’t honoring their full potential because they’re missing the crucial invitation of the first step with the Cosmic Child Archetype. Stay tuned for how to work with this energy and ways to access your next steps.

In the northern hemisphere, we’re in the second half of winter, Imbolc, or as we’ve come to know it ushered in as, Groundhog Day.

On InnerSpark’s Wheel of The Mother, which represents the eight cosmic archetypal energies, this time of year is known as The Cosmic Child Archetype, which comes after The Void Archetype and before The Initiate. This is an in-between time of deep rest after the death of Samhain, or The Death Doula Archetype, and before the full reanimation and beginnings of The Initiate Archetype in spring.

These archetypal energies exist within and around us at any given moment and working with the literal seasons of Earth’s cycles is a way to deeply connect with them.

Journeying intentionally with the seasons and with the cosmos is the way to remember our innate wholeness and sovereignty. These energies provide us with a framework we can apply to any and all facets of our lives, from physical healing to relationships, to unraveling trauma, shame, and codependency.

Imbolc + Cosmic Child Archetype

At this time of The Cosmic Child Archetype, we are being birthed through the Cosmos once more. We are going from the deep stillness and rest of winter’s formlessness back into form. From almost a grinding halt, we are slowly reanimating with new life being breathed into us from beyond.

The Void is complete stillness, formlessness, silence, and we can think of The Cosmic Child as that first spark of reanimation, conception, stirring, life, the implantation of consciousness and the kiss and breath of life from The Great Mystery.

To have a visceral experience of this, do this with me. Take a few breaths, on your next exhale, hold it out. Gently hold the breath as you’re completely empty. Notice how at first it may feel comfortable, then you start to feel a little itchy, and eventually GASP.

THAT energetic is this Cosmic Child Archetype.

“I am the Cosmic Child. I reactivate and reemerge after my time of stillness and rejuvenation. As I reemerge, powerful codes are remembered and recognized, and I am one with creation as my next iteration and journey around the sacred spiral takes form. I am safe in my body. It is safe for me to take form and create containment.”

The Cosmic Child

The Imbolc/Lammas + Cosmic Child/Sacred Activist Axis

Across the Wheel, we have the Lammas time of year, late summer, which is The Sacred Activist Archetype. This is a much more active energy. At the Cosmic Child, we are being birthed as legacy and at The Sacred Activist Archetype, we are creating legacy.

These two points are closely tied and along this sacred Imbolc/Lammas, Cosmic Child/Sacred Activist Archetype, we’ll undergo massive transformations all around our sacred mission, gifts, and purpose and how we then share that and live in alignment with our values.

It’s about hearing our authentic connection with Source, then along the way as we travel the Wheel from Imbolc/Cosmic Child to Lammas/Sacred Activist, knowing ourselves, our physicality, our abilities, and really polishing and finessing and forging to prepare for profoundly offering ourselves.

This is the art of spirally living and it’s ours to remember and practice. The best place to begin is with the eight sections of the wheel of the year.

How to Hear Your Next Steps

As highly sensitive souls, we have greater ability to access this universal spiral principle than most. We are just innately tuned into it and it’s in our best interest on all levels – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually – to flow with, rather than fight against.

To work with the Cosmic Child Archetype, we must endeavor to surrender, trust, and listen to what’s being offered from Spirit/Source/The Great Mystery/The Cosmos.

Some of the ways I love to use to tune in with myself are keeping track of my dreams, scrying, using oracle or tarot cards, connecting in with animals and nature, shamanic journeying asking specific questions, and working with plant or energy essences.

For more on intuitive practices, click here.

Support For You

Reconnecting with Nature’s wisdom and seasonal flow is one of the main ways we go about healing Feminine Shame. How are you incorporating this sacred practice into your life?

I am so passionate about resurrecting our awareness of and devotion to the sacred spiral essence of life. These are the primal rhythms that animate us! Imagine if we consciously and intentionally engaged with these energies. As highly sensitive, introverted souls, we are uniquely positioned to hear and feel these shifts more than others. Let us be beacons of inspiration and wholeness to a world desperately in need! How are you honoring your spirally nature? Would love to hear from you!

The InnerSpark Method

Timeless Wisdom to become Naturally Resilient

Transform life's storms and cultivate peace, resilience, and vitality with Nature's wisdom.

Dive deep into nature’s rhythms, unraveling from the complexities and strains of modern life, and align yourself with the ebb and flow that has sustained life for millennia.

Drawing from nature, our eternal mentor, we glean lessons of steadfastness, flow, and unity.

But as the digital age surges forward, our intimate connection to these timeless rhythms is diminishing, causing our physical, emotional, mental, relational, and spiritual well being to teeter.

The InnerSpark Method bridges that gap, guiding you back to your innate resilience and rhythm, reigniting your zest for life and sense of purpose.

Come discover a whole-person, trauma-informed system of Nature's self-care to rekindle natural cadences across all dimensions of your being -  whether it's the physicality of daily routines, the depths of emotional resilience, the realms of mental clarity, the vibrations of energy, the art of relationships, or the ethereal world of spirituality.

More Seasonal Living + Earth Wisdom:

  • Healing Feminine Shame

    Healing Feminine Shame

    In today’s fast-paced world, where we prize the linear, productive, and constant, a profound form of dissonance permeates our lives. This dissonance is rooted in Feminine Shame: a deep-seated aversion and resistance towards the inherently natural, cyclical, and intuitive aspects of existence. By understanding and healing Feminine Shame, we initiate the process of aligning more…

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Greetings! I’m Devon Ray Battaglia, MS, AHA, ACC. As an Integrative Health Expert, Ayurvedic Health Advisor, and Holistic Life Coach, I’ve devoted myself to living and sharing the timeless wisdom of Nature’s rhythms to unlock our natural resilience and joy!

I mentor individuals like you on a heartfelt journey toward the life-changing simplicity and nourishment of living in sync with Nature.

Ready to transform life’s storms, amplify resilience, boost health and vitality, reconnect with your InnerSpark, and discover a life overflowing with peace, confidence, and clarity?

Click here to learn more about me and The InnerSpark Method.


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