Intuitive Energy Healing

What is Energy Healing?

From Reiki and Qigong in the Far East to Yoga in India and Quantum Healing in the West, the world is full of various methods of working with subtle energies. Even within these disciplines there can be significant differences among practitioners, leaving us to wonder what is energy healing anyway?

Intuitive Energy Healing

Working with energy and energy healing is something that’s paramount to my practice both personally and in my work with clients. So what is Intuitive Energy Healing? Essentially Intuitive Energy Healing is what is sounds like – working intuitively with your energies, rather than following a set protocol or standard practice. It’s a very tailored, dynamic approach to knowing oneself and working in each moment with what arises. 

Is Intuitive Energy Healing Effective

Absolutely! It involves you claiming your power as a self-healing wise one. It’s you peeling away the gunk and muck and finding the stability within to slow down, get silent, and feel.

How intuitive Energy Healing Works

The Subtle Creates the Gross. The subtle, intangible, invisible parts of you are the most powerful – it’s not the physical. These building blocks create the physical. They are the blueprints and guidelines for the physical. When the physical is experiencing dis-ease and dysfunction, it’s because the subtle parts are instructing it to do so. This isn’t intended to be shaming or blaming; this is an incredibly empowering revelation! This means that by addressing those subtle layers (our thoughts, unprocessed emotions and traumas, and the like), we can create and recreate our desired physical experience! Heck yes!

Check out this class and guided practice on energy healing.

You Are Your Own Best Healer

You are living your felt experiences in each moment to moment flow. You know what’s happening in your experience better than anyone else does. There’s no authority outside of you that has the answers or the “fixes” to what ails you. In practicing things such as Intuitive Energy Healing, you are reclaiming your sovereignty and power to heal yourself in each moment. As I said, the subtle creates the gross, and with dedicated compassion, attention, and intention, you’ll being to powerfully rewire the subtle aspects of yourself that were going awry and creating dis-ease.

How to Practice Intuitive Energy Healing

Befriend your subtle energies first by recognizing them. Conduct a four-level check-in and assess how each of your bodies are doing – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Tuning into sensation in your physical body is a great place to start. Additionally, notice which of your five senses is the most sensitive, as this can provide clues for how energy and your intuition will most likely speak to you.

Notice what’s alive for you emotionally and how those emotions are expressing themselves through your body. Notice the images, thoughts, words, and stories in the mental body. And lastly, notice the quality of the spiritual/energetic body; it’s an incredibly subtle, nuanced layer of our being that can feel challenging to identify, especially if this is a brand new concept.

With practice, you’ll be able to see the exchanges among the four levels and how they dance with each other within you. You’ll be able to identify your needs more readily and become more skilled in moving what’s stagnant, settling what’s chaotic, and grounding what’s too spacey.

How to Strengthen Your Intuition

Intuitive Energy Healing relies on your connection to your intuition. Here’s some resources to help you continue to strengthen that connection and become your own best healer.

Shadow Work

At its core, Shadow Work is a process of integrating parts of ourselves we’ve disowned, shunned, or bypassed with the purpose of reclaiming and empowering ourselves through our trials and traumas.


Movement allows us to become fully embodied, noticing your sensorial experience, noticing your bodily needs, feeling your body from the inside out and outside in, observing the subtle interplay between your environment, your thoughts, your emotions, and your physical body.

Spiritual Connection

Cultivating an authentic, shame-free connection to something greater than yourself is a wonderful way to strengthen your intuition and your relationship with yourself as Spirit.

How do you work with your energy? What has been helpful for you and what have you noticed as a result?

The InnerSpark Method

Timeless Wisdom to become Naturally Resilient

Transform life's storms and cultivate peace, resilience, and vitality with Nature's wisdom.

Dive deep into nature’s rhythms, unraveling from the complexities and strains of modern life, and align yourself with the ebb and flow that has sustained life for millennia.

Drawing from nature, our eternal mentor, we glean lessons of steadfastness, flow, and unity.

But as the digital age surges forward, our intimate connection to these timeless rhythms is diminishing, causing our physical, emotional, mental, relational, and spiritual well being to teeter.

The InnerSpark Method bridges that gap, guiding you back to your innate resilience and rhythm, reigniting your zest for life and sense of purpose.

Come discover a whole-person, trauma-informed system of Nature's self-care to rekindle natural cadences across all dimensions of your being -  whether it's the physicality of daily routines, the depths of emotional resilience, the realms of mental clarity, the vibrations of energy, the art of relationships, or the ethereal world of spirituality.

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Greetings! I’m Devon Ray Battaglia, MS, AHA, ACC. As an Integrative Health Expert, Ayurvedic Health Advisor, and Holistic Life Coach, I’ve devoted myself to living and sharing the timeless wisdom of Nature’s rhythms to unlock our natural resilience and joy!

I mentor individuals like you on a heartfelt journey toward the life-changing simplicity and nourishment of living in sync with Nature.

Ready to transform life’s storms, amplify resilience, boost health and vitality, reconnect with your InnerSpark, and discover a life overflowing with peace, confidence, and clarity?

Click here to learn more about me and The InnerSpark Method.


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